Embroidery Hoop Wreath
Hey Y'all! I'm back for a second day in a row which has to be some sort of record! I've managed to sneak in some time to write this blog post while our 6 month old chews away on an ice cold chew toy trying to sooth her poor teething gums.
Today I wanted to share with you a SUPER SIMPLE wreath I made to hang from an old door that I have displayed in the corner of our living room. Our living room is my favorite room in our house and I'll share pictures of it with you all soon! But, for now you just get to see one corner of it. ;)

I made this using an embroidery hoop, a floral garland I had leftover from our wedding, some twine, super glue and a chipboard word from Hobby Lobby.

The total cost of this wreath was under $10 and that makes my heart happy! P.S. I did spray paint my chipboard word "Love" using Rustoleum's Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint.

First thing you want to do is take off the outer ring of the embroidery hoop. Just unscrew it a little to loosen it and it'll slide right off. :)

Next, grab your garland of choice and lay it out.

I folded my garland in half to "double it up". I didn't want the garland going all the way around my embroidery hoop. I wanted some of the wood exposed. Plus, I liked that it helped the garland look "fuller" without having to spend anything extra.

Once I had the garland where I wanted it, I flipped over my embroidery hoop and began tying the garland in place using some twine.

I just pulled the twine as tightly as I could then I doubled knotted it. So easy!

After I tied off sections of the garland all the way around I then cut off any excess twine that was hanging down. Then, I simply placed my chipboard "Love" word where I wanted it and then I just super glued it in place.

Seriously, so super simple! This project only took me about 10 minutes!

Quick, easy and low cost! My kind of project! And I think it looks pretty cute on my chippy, old door! :) Boom!
Let me know what ya think! If you decide to make one like it be sure to share it me on my facebook page! I'd love to see it!