Real Talk
First things first, I'm a realist.
Not really… I'm a dreamer...
Which is exactly why I decided to re-brand and re-launch my business. It's been about a year now since I officially started my business. I originally named it The Hayloft. I chose this name because my style is very country and shabby chic and I mostly just needed an official business name for Facebook and selling purposes. But, over the course of the year my business has grown and so have my dreams. I knew re-branding would be a bit of a gamble, but I wanted my business to better represent me and who I am.
I felt my business name, The Hayloft, was holding me back and limited the growth and expansion I'm dreaming of. So, I decided that my business name should reflect my spirit, attitude and ideas, as well as the other women out there like me. After all, this is more than just painted furniture. I want to inspire others to chase after their dreams and to create something beautiful! I've been both nervous and excited for this new business venture. Changing up an already successful business is risky…but I have to go with my gut instinct, and besides, as the new business name suggests, it wouldn’t really be me without a little risk. Along the way, I stumbled across a quote that encouraged me to face my fears and say “YES!” to my big, scary ideas. "If it's both terrifying and amazing then you should definitely pursue it." So, here we are with a new name and a new vision of things to come.
The new business name is Wildflowers & Pistols (which, of course, you already know since you’re here reading this…), and not only do I feel like this describes me very well, but it reflects the spirit with which I want to share my business, my ideas, and myself with all you women out there. I'm the kinda girl who likes to be out in the country, with her hair down blowin' in the wind, in wide open spaces with ripped jeans and boots. I'm a free spirit, and an American dreamer with a sassy attitude and I'm determined to grow and bloom wherever life takes me. I'm like a shot of whiskey.
But, this isn't all about me. I created this for you, too. For the women who are adventurers, believers, dreamers, hard workin' ain't afraid to get your hands dirty, free spirited all American girls.
So, welcome to our new journey. Welcome to Wildflowers & Pistols.